July 7th, 2018
cmsa; my major personal goal this last year has been to find a way to make my traditional process quicker, they have been taking so many hours to paint, i'm constantly "in the red" ; dividing the hours they take by how much they sell for i've been averaging around $5 /hour...if i can make it quicker i earn more. Here's one trick i've been experimenting with to make the underpainting part quicker; i do a normal monochromatic value study, but instead of the next layer being hand glazed i do the big general first glazes with spray paint instead of by hand...Saves hours, draw back i've noticed (fyi) is spray paint is not terrifically stable, it doesn't adhere well, can cause trouble later. easy fix though, i just heavily varnish it before i try to paint on it...no big deal, i varnish between layers anyway (slippery surface good for glazing)...seems to be working well, spray paint is beautifully translucent, terrific glazer, i pay more for montana brand spray paint...here's wip "the granny race, airborne division" c valle.