Cynda Valle

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Dec. 2, 2021

cmsa; i love what i happened to hear by chance on an interview of the collab between brian eno and david byrne...talking about the creative act, eno said (paraphrasing); "artists are gardners, not architects, they plant a mysterious seed then watch it grow, they don't create and work off of blueprints..true that, but he doesn't mention some seeds take as long as giant redwoods to this current wip, about 4 months in, keep "planting seed", watching it grow, then daily deciding i hate it, pulling out seedling, plant new one, etc etc...Might not be exactly what eno was thinking, but this is the way i roll sometimes, all the hallmarks of one of those "transitional paintings" i mentioned in an earlier post...just gotta be patient. wip "Am I flying or am I falling?", jury's still out