April 10, 2015

CMSA NOTES FROM LOS ANGELES; IT'S SPRING; SO TIME FOR ANOTHER DRAW TIL YOU DROP TO SUPPORT ART IN MENDOCINO COUNTY. CONTACT Elizabeth Raybee to sponser an artist...here i am at one 2 years ago , well stocked with chocolate and pepsi...sleep, who needs sleep?????

April 9, 2015

CMSA NOTES FROM LOS ANGELES; WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!– “Your life right now is as real as it will ever be. It won't be more real in the future, when you get into or out of college or into or out of a relationship or a job or a financial quagmire or a health problem. In fact, the things keeping you back—these embarrassing, boring, stupid obstacles—are the heart of what it is to be human. They're the whole reason for making and needing art." Miranda July, on embracing life as it is (see Lena Dunham and Miranda July Talk Taboos and Miranda July Releases a Messaging App With a Message).

April 9, 2015

CMSA, NOTES FROM LOS ANGELES; brother and sister oil painters; i recently had to give up Lead White cuz i could not keep my fingers out of the paint (the finger being my favorite blender)...the lead can be absorbed through healthy skin and the gloved finger doesn't blend as well; Zinc sucks makes for cloudy glazes ...WELL I THINK I GOT THE ANSWER BELIEVE IT OR NOT; THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING GLAZING WHITE I'VE COME ACROSS SINCE I HAD TO GIVE UP MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH LEAD; IT IS THIS PRODUCT!!!!!!BOB ROSS LIQUID WHITE, YOU KNOW, THE DUDE WITH THE FRO????? WELL THOSE COPIED PAINTINGS OF HIS ALL SEEM TO HAVE TURNED UP IN CREEPY MOTELS OFF THE INTERSTATE, BUT THIS DUDE CAME UP WITH A GREAT PRODUCT; IT DOESN'T SAY ON THE CAN WHAT'S IN THERE...I HOPE IT;S NOT LEAD????CHECK IT OUT STUDENTS PAST AND PRESENT

April 1, 2015

CMSA; notes from los angeles; Here's the finished underpainting for "father knows best"..on a dry transparent red earth ground; cobalt blue glaze with fastmatte white (opaque)..it will be an interesting light challenge; real shadowy room with beautiful stained glass window in background...

March 19, 2015

CMSA Notes from los angeles. cont.

So the genie thinks; after 1000 years: "i'm gonna kill the sob who waited this long to let me out!" and the guy says back (right before he dies..) "Why did you wait so long to open the door?"...duh...older but wiser, cynda mary of cynda mary's school of art (CMSA)

March 26, 2015

CMSA; Notes from Los Angeles; on the topic of FEMALE ARTISTS OFTEN BEING LATE BLOOMERS; I admit, i'm one of them; not hard to understand when you think most women devote 20 years or more to child rearing; I always painted ( pretty much every single day) but i was very isolated (pre Facebook!!)and i left off doing any kind of self promotional work during that time…So that being said, this is what i have to say on the subject of being a "late bloomer" ; It's exactly like that story of the genie stuck in the bottle; the first 300 years he was in there he said to himself; "i'll give the person who lets me out whatever he desires!" after 600 years he said "to the person who lets me out i'll give something moderately nice" after 1000 years of captivity he said to himself "i'll kill the son of a bitch who waited this long to let me out!!!"

March 8, 2015

I always loved pearl s buck and she's from doylestown!!!!!!

"The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive. To him... a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. Add to this cruelly delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, create--- so that without the creating of music or poetry or books or buildings or something of meaning, his very breath is cut off from him. He must create, must pour out creation. By some strange, unknown, inward urgency he is not really alive unless he is


Pearl S. Buck

March 4, 2015

HERE'S A QUOTE BY FRIDA KAHLO...I'M GONNA GUESS MANY ARTISTS (INCLUDING ME) FEEL THE SAME; I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me, too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it’s true I’m here, and I’m just as strange as you.

February 19, 2015

CMSA; NOTES FROM LOS ANGELES; For a short time, one especially balmy evening in december, the women of the town went about their business "Floating on Air" cynda valle oil on linen, 26x32

February 14, 2015

CMSA, Notes from Los Angeles; what a wonderland this can be...on the curb, going home; exactly the prop i was looking for!!! too bad it was so heavy or i could've taken it home!!!!got the shot though

January 26, 2015

CMSA socal; up and running with the first private student; she prefers to remain anonymous; but can you seee the special guest that she has in her lap? HE"S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!NOW ALL THAT'S MISSING IS A SQUIRREL AND YOU!!!!!!! DID YOU MISS LEARNING TRADITIONAL OIL PAINTING TECHNIQUES IN COLLEGE?????; HERE'S YOUR CHANCE; PM ME FOR DETAILS ; PRIVATE AND SEMI PRIVATE LESSONS

January 19, 2015

Cynda Mary's School of Art; opens it's so cal branch at the brewery in Los Angeles...come by and check it out; 2020 main, #14!!

January 19, 2015

Just back from a whirl wind week at the "studio of many eyes" in Willits CA. ; Cynda Mary's School of Art, northern branch alum going strong!!!PAINT ON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

December 31, 2014

Cynda Mary's School of Art So Cal style is up and running at the brewery...come by, check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 19, 2014

CMSA, NOTES FROM LOS ANGELES...my norcal buddies think i'll miss "nature" in LA... Not true! Natural Light here in Los Angeles appears, if anything, MORE ethereal, exquisite as it is contrasted against the concrete blockiness of all the buildings. The one i'm working on now aims to replicate moonlight shining on the Brewery under the full moon when a strange thing appears. WIP

WIP underpainting "My Favorite Martian" Cynda Valle oil on linen