cmsa; "children of color", c valle, oil on panel. Regarding the title "children of color" i like that description much better than the use of the word "black" to describe melanin rich skin, i think it should be more correctly called,literally; "rainbow" colored skin; why i was personally (onlly one viewers opinion! ) soo disappointed in the neutral colorless vision artist used to depict Michele Obama's beautiful skin.
March 28th, 2018.
March 26th, 2018.
Here's the thurs student body in cynda mary's one room school of art...yeah, I know; maybe a little long in the tooth; but they paint like students i've ever had!!!!!!!!!!!
March 26th, 2018.
cmsa; wip, preliminary glazes directly on a white ground, no underpainting, glaze layers 1 thru 5, number 6 shows minimal application of opaque paint in lighter areas, moving on
March 24th, 2018.
cmsa; oil sketch; "portrait of a new american princess" c valle oil on panel...This bright young soul gives me faith in the future..
March 23rd, 2018.
cmsa; To my sons and all young people today...yeah, it's way harder for you than it was for us...take heart
March 22nd, 2018.
cmsa; participating in beverly hills art show with a good spot near the booze...come check it out ; may 15 and 16th
March 19th, 2018.
cmsa; "To Boldly Go..." cvalle , oil on panel, 42x52" Subject explores "inner space ", led by her animus (masculine aspect of female psyche), here represented by Spocks father; "Sarek"
March 18th, 2018.
cmsa; from my wandering path on fb this morn, of course i happened across just the right words;
"My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that i had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that i can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that i can heal and continue to love. and the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. scars are only ugly to people who can't see..." Thank you Judy Chance Hope...true to you too, dear "scarred " friend....
March 14th, 2018.
cmsa; i think this might be my fav painting (of mine) of all time...."earth fire and water" set in the parlor of my dream victorian, willits ca
March 7th, 2018.
February 26th,2018.
cmsa; this post courtesy of Michele Matheson, it's a couple years old, ran across it by accident just now...i love the beautiful clear way she describes my work; "They(paintings) are layers upon layers of beauty and bravery, pain and power and love and being who you are." she made me cry with that, i'm gonna aspire to be the artist she sees! Michele is an amazing writer, I read her first book 2 years ago, and it has stuck in my brain,( like all really good books do). It's a novel called "Saving Anglefish" , check it out! ps. Peter Clothier, i think you would love, cynda ps. next artwalk apr 7 and 8...
February 28th, 2018.
cmsa; check out the work of Jim Hughes; one of my favorite artists these days; He exemplifies what is possible if your'e willing to invest a lifetime of practice to perfect your craft.. "slow art" in a world that no longer prizes craft....BRAVO Jim Hughes, to have one of yours is on my bucket list!
February 26th, 2018.
cmsa; i dont know whaat it is about the last few years, but i've been noticing all around me, more than ever, that many are survivors of some recent personal tragedy (death, divorce, poverty, persistent unemployment, illness, and depression. The rape of our constitution, ETC!) and yet, being good americans, we live by the motto; "fake it til you make it" and spend most of our energies pretending to be whole and well, and managing all like adults...and because we're hiding our issues from most, we may feel isolated and alone... One of the cool things about facebook is i've noticed some brave souls expressing not only their triumphs, but also their tragedies. bravo
February 26th,2018.
cmsa; after a good weekend...this is for my sister in art; Robin Parsons, who also needs the 12 step mess rehab program...
February 24th, 2018.
cmsa; dear president trump, if there existed some kind of survey where americans could list the top three people they would like to see dead at the hands of citizens armed with assault rifles, you would take first place. That being the case, maybe you should look at gun control in a very selfish way (like you do everything else) , and realize it is in YOUR OWN BEST INTERESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...sincerely cynda mary ps. i wonder what is the opinion of the secret service who protect you regarding arming civilians with assault weapons?
February 23rd, 2018.
cmsa; the artist him/herself usually doesn't live long enough to see the ripples through time their work has made as it has influenced others, (artists especially ), sometimes centuries later..... one of my favorite things about art history is that i can look back and add my bit to an artistic, thematic chain that i can trace back to the beginning of our history as image makers. I have found in my own body of work numerous eves, venuses, ophelias, odalisques, messiahs (i'm currently in the planning stages of another"jesus" ), innocent babes, mermaids, mermen, holy mothers, femme fatales, witches, virgins, angels, "whores" etc etc...the coolest thing is these images don't feel like i'm "borrowing " them from art history, but more like they bubble directly up out of some some some personal, subliminal, soul based well and THEN i notice they've been painted often before and i feel like part of something greater than myself...feels pretty good ! i miss validation in the art world i occupy now, but i feel better when i think i can hear all these old dead artists cheering me on; saying "you go girl", hmmmmm i may have to paint that. All images; oil, c valle, scattered through the last 40 years...
February 18th, 2018.
cmsa; well it's official, austin, are you ready for cynda mary? Solo show this may at Art on's been a minute since my last commercial opportunity, so i'm grateful to find a venue that thinks these toilet paintings will look great over your couch!
February 17th, 2018.
cmsa; today's post with thanks to Lori A. Escalera, who made me laugh when she wrote this line about the collection of presidential portraits; " A largely boring conglomeration of unimaginative work done of White Men in authority positions standing like penises at the foot of the staircase, drably painted "
February 16th, 2018
cmsa; underpainting done with dry brush , fastmat (alkyd) white over oil transparent red earth...title ended up being "family circle" . lower right, first glaze layers