CMSA;" i have only one thing to do, and that;s be the wave that i am, and then sink back into the ocean" poetess extrordinare; fiona apple, what she said!
August 4th, 2018
cmsa; new alum, Sia Dreyfuss, and current student Sharon rock my world with these amazing paintings. sky blends are some of sharons first oil painting efforts, the golden girl is by Sia....never have i had a job that is as satisfying as it is to watch these artists blossom. Both of these gals hit the ground running, born painters both, paint on ladies!
August 3rd, 2018
cmsa; just had to share Chester Arnold further remarks about the "Makers High" how it feels.
August 3rd, 2018
cmsa; Chuck Connelly outside, so challenging physically (freeze or fry, soaked, snowed on, blown on, disturbed multiple times by well meaning fans, schlepping supplies hither and yawn) i think plein aire should be classified as a sport!
August 3rd, 2018
cmsa; wip, "a place for you" hospital chapel , howard hospital, willits ca...quite alot of the underpainting still showing here (white on transparent red earth ground"
August 1st, 2018
cmsa; i always repost this one; me and my beloved kujo, when she was fat and; she didn't make the greatest pet, as i enabled her to become quite bold, and she bit the shit out of all my family, but me. Remember they easily crack open walnuts with strong jaws and long sharp teeth....I gotta say tho i loved her dearly mostly cuz she picked me to love back out of all my family.
July 30th, 2018
cmsa; it's been at least 8 years since my last scenic painting. It's one of those things you never forget, like riding a bike, right? Yeah, that works except that now i'm an 8 year older person riding that bike; and the trip is a bit more rickety. But i still got there. It was a paper pulp pressed faux stone wall primed in white we colored and textured with thin acrylic glazes.Thanks for your help Jim Scheel, and thanks Ryan Patterson for the gig. We're doing the mortar today...
July 30th, 2018
CMSA; RE POSTING THIS wonderful post by one of my favorite painters of all times, suggesting painting as a therapeutic act in a desperate world, seems relevant today, when mendocino county burns again, less than a year later, sounds like potter valley is in the center again too....sending love and courage to all, cynda mary
July 26th, 2018
cmsa; hey Robert Permenter and Gabee, this detail of FScott Hess; s "dream of art history" contains a reference to the honeymooners painting ; count 3rd down from top, and right edge of middle shape; see gabee's red dress...we better enjoy it, as it may be the only mention of us ever in art history!!!!
July 26th, 2018
cmsa; read and see this wonderful piece on "personal realism " bravo, Chester Arnold
July 25th, 2018
cmsa; from Chuck Connelly, replacement head in a box...yeah i coulda used that a couple times...also reminds me of the Ozma of Oz who had a gallery of different heads to choose from.
July 24th, 2018
cmsa; newest alum of cmsa, relaxes after a hard day at work...she will owe money in the party jar for every bit of this
July 24th, 2018
cmsa; what do you get when you cross a treat -without -compare (on a hot summers day) and the fact that i ate the whole thing myself??? ANSWER; BLISS and about a million calorie was worth every one !
July 23rd, 2018
cmsa; edible art bby Bradford J. Salamon
July 23rd, 2018
cmsa; thanks Sue Ellen Parkinson, sometimes you hear just what you need to hear, at just the right moment...couldn't say it better, brava!
July 7th, 2018
July 7th, 2018
cmsa; my major personal goal this last year has been to find a way to make my traditional process quicker, they have been taking so many hours to paint, i'm constantly "in the red" ; dividing the hours they take by how much they sell for i've been averaging around $5 /hour...if i can make it quicker i earn more. Here's one trick i've been experimenting with to make the underpainting part quicker; i do a normal monochromatic value study, but instead of the next layer being hand glazed i do the big general first glazes with spray paint instead of by hand...Saves hours, draw back i've noticed (fyi) is spray paint is not terrifically stable, it doesn't adhere well, can cause trouble later. easy fix though, i just heavily varnish it before i try to paint on big deal, i varnish between layers anyway (slippery surface good for glazing)...seems to be working well, spray paint is beautifully translucent, terrific glazer, i pay more for montana brand spray's wip "the granny race, airborne division" c valle.
July 6th, 2018
CMSA; Thanks for posting Sia Dreyfuss, this is actually the first time i've seen this on a public forum.....BRAVO TELL IT LIKE IT IS....explains why i and so many baby boomer artists are looking at bleak economic futures and living month to month with no health insurance, and why 99% of us have never managed to make a living without a day job, and why 99% of us go unrecognized (even after 43 years of full time painting i'm told i'm still "emerging" !!!)
I've been furious about this for years, also bitter and terribly frustrated ...trying to let it go though, it's been wreaking havoc with my heart for about 30 years now...please don't tell me the "remember van gogh" comment; it's the art world's final fuck you to wait til the artist dies to value her work, too little too late for the artist I think.
July 1st, 2018 →
CMSA; so nice, reminds me of the train museum in sacramento
June 30th, 2018
cmsa; another one of my new favorites; Chester Arnold, i sense another o/c artist just like me (i too delight in bricks!)