October 24th, 2018

cmsa; words of wisdom from Susan Lyon; Figurative work like we do is the least on the chain of sellable work, because a lot of times people wonder why anyone would buy a portrait of somebody they don't know and put it on their wall. You have to find people who are interested in people the same way we are. When someone is moved enough by a painting of a stranger to pay their hard-earned money for it, then you know you've succeeded in telling that story.

When you do figurative work, it's much more emotional. It's also more provocative. So, our paintings don't always sell right away, but sooner or later there is usually at least one person that it will connect with. To me, success is putting yourself in a position where you can keep doing what you want without so much financial pressure, because then I know I'd be painting little paintings of kittens forever. I love painting my cat, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to be told to paint my cat. I don't want to have to paint a cat for every show.

October 22nd, 2018

cmsa; thanks to VI Herron for sharing this with me...May it be true for me too, plus it's great being on the "younger" end of things again (old women artists described as being born thru 1941, me 1955, but ignored just the same)

October 16th, 2018

cmsa; so great when my past life meets my present one; Here next to me (i'm far left) is Bella Bella LeNestour, who gave me a great art related job in the late 80's (faux finisher, my favorite job ever) and saved me from becoming a career waitress (i'm a really bad waitress!)..


October 15th, 2018

cmsa; on behalf of cmsa and me , cynda, please quit posting that monstrous portrait of donald and other republican thugs. YOU CAN'T UNSEE THAT THING!!

October 15th, 2018

cmsa; some of my own images made into pendants with cords of black leather, light colored pleather , or ribbon, with a charm attached that reads; "well behaved women rarely make history." A TIMELY REMINDER LADIES, TO START SPEAKING UP! $25 plus 5$ s and h, or 5 for $100 with 5$ s and h. All hand made by me, each a little different...TO ORDER; hey everyone, pm your address, how many and which ones; order "The honeymooners" (couple, woman in red dress), "Eddie's Girl" (red headed woman with cake), or "All That Glitters" (lady in silver lame gown with cig and martini).Pay via paypal (cynda valle) 25$ each or 5 for 100$ with 5$shipping for 1 to 5 pendants. Thank you for helping to keep the lights on here at cmsa. love cynda
