October 29, 2014

LAST TIP FROM CYNDA MARY'S SCHOOL OF ART (NORCAL BRANCH): we go to bed in a country where the odds are pretty good we won't die in the streets the next day of a bullet or a virus...likely we'll have plenty to eat (too much) and most of us a roof over our heads...even so, young artists gotta remember this isn't disneyland...it ain't always a barrel of laughs; our career choice doesn't guarantee ease or happiness or success...in fact the statistics suggest that 95% of young art school grads will never go on to make art at all....i was never the "star" of any of my art classes, never the one "most likely to succeed" and yet, now 30 years later, i look around and find only a few working artists left out of all my fellow alum. Tenacity and a compulsive/obsessive urge to paint are qualities much greater and more important to my development than whatever small talent i may have had... nurture them in yourself...don't be discouraged by those with huge amounts of raw talent...I think they are only rarely the ones that succeed in the end. What a struggle it has been (these last 30 years), but what a pleasure it has become to paint informed by 35 years of experience!...hang in there! love, cynda mary....Cynda Mary's school of art will reopen at the brewery in los angeles soon!