CMSA; this morning as i was outside soaking up some vitamin d, I noticed a fly in a small patch of light right next to me..i wondered why she would stand in the sun like that where she was clearly visible to any passing predators. I figured it out seconds later when another fly landed on her and attempted fly sex. It only lasted a second or two but the minute she was mounted the first fly tried to shake him off, she tried (unsuccessfully) to fly with his added weight. She seemed like such an unwilling participant i was surprised to see, when fly number 2 released her, that she didn't fly away, but stayed in that same spot of sunlight awaiting his return, or more suitors??? I've seen this same scenario take place with the chickens and the cows and all the animals we lived with in Potter Valley (middle of nowhere , norcal)... This seems to me a wonderful expression of the sexual ambivalence many humans suffer from: To seek connection while, at the same time, avoid loosing freedom and autonomy...