May 27th, 2018.

cmsa; Opening in austin texas; i think i found my people , love their accents, they call everyone honey and sweetie, just like me!!!!! my mentor Todd Alan Gresley, thank you Todd, i think you get me!

May 16th, 2018.

cmsa; Painting Tip of the Day; If you've been noticing these "tips" over the last several days, you may see, that when taken together, they suggest a process; 
START; thin, semitransparent paint, darker values, cool colors, shadowy part of the setup. 
WORK UP TO; Thick, opaque paint, lighter values, warmer colors, "lit" part of the setup. "portrait of neely" Sonia Rodriguez....

May 15th, 2018.

cmsa; Tip of the Day; "Fat over Lean"- you may have already heard this one. It means that; when working wet into wet , unless the paint on top is thicker, more"oily" than the wet paint underneath IT WILL NOT STICK. Instead of depositing additional paint, you end up pulling up some of the wet paint underneath. Therefore, when direct or ala prima paintng, start with thin, semi transparent paint, work up to thick and opaque. "an angel passes" 2004, c valle oil on linen


May 14th, 2018.

cmsa; counter intuitive painting tip of the day; apply thin paint with a strong scrubbing application that forcibly spreads the paint thin enough so you can see through it. Use a stiff bristled brush and a heavy hand....For thicker, more opaque paint; use a soft bristled brush like a little shovel to scoop up a generous amount of paint; drop it in to the paintng with the lightest touch possible, like a butterfly!! Do not lick!!!!(something saturday painters are often guilty of...once the paint drops in, don't keep stroking, leave it alone, recharge brush, and move on.)"the parties over" c valle, oil on linen


May 14th, 2018.

cmsa ; painting tip of the day; when paintng the physical world, start your painting at the top with the BIGGEST THING THAT IS FURTHEST AWAY (like sky in a landscape)...Work your way down and forward til you end up in the lowest and most foreward part (foreground)...This way the "overlap" works to get the cloud overlap; work from the horizon line up


May 12th, 2018.

cmsa; painting tip of the day; cool colors tend to recede, warm colors to advance, therefore, paint the shadows cool, and the lit areas warm....painting exercise of warm and cool by alum Michael Sabet


May 10th, 2018.

cmsa; painting tip of the day; "thin paint tends to recede, thick paint to advance. Shadows tend to recede, lit areas to pop out, advance. Therefore paint shadows thin , lit areas thick/opaque


May 6th, 2018.

this is what i see when i wake up every's my homage to a tree; gecko leaf; carol newburg, oak leaf; diza hope. original pastel from a thrift shop — with Carol Newborg.


April 22nd, 2018.

cmsa; WIP , c valle, so happy to get the sparkle painting challenge one more time, it's one of my favorites, really merits the added time of glaze layers than some "re-whiting" ,mostlly laid down in dots...this wip shows first glaze layers second image is the "rewhite". Last one was 2 to 3 glaze layers (depending on where) and one more "Rewhite", moving on now wip "Gaudy Plumage " c valle

March 31st, 2018.

cmsa; some real "creative problem solving " going on here; this is a siberian bear hunting costume; Simple solution, looks cool too, what more could you want? brava to wife of siberian bear hunter, who must of thought this up ...
