cmsa; another master work by Rob Dunlavey, the way it plays with opaque and transparency reminds me of oil paint.
March 12th, 2019
cmsa; a sentiment that bears repeating; PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!!!!!!
March 10th, 2019
cmsa; newest cmsa alum; representing indecline at his skid row studio al fresco....and for me, another son-in-art is born... GO LIL BRO
March 9th, 2019
#itsdone Contempary Artist #stickaforkinit #contemporaryportraiture#cmsa TOOK HIM TWO YEARS THINKING ABOUT IT, 2 HOURS TO FINISH IT, BRAVO NEWEST CMSA ALUM Crushow Herring
March 7th, 2019
cmsa; underpainting, color glazes about halfway done...Unfortunately i fear this painting is damaged beyond has three large tears now, one running right through the red ball. Any ace conservators want to take it on?
March 7th, 2019
#cmsa moo business cards look like artist trading cards! Collect them all!#cyndavalle #narrativeart #color #contemporaryart #oilpainting#gallerywall
March 4th, 2019
cmsa; sometimes iconic themes seem to be in the ether, like the themes form a river that sometimes passes close to our collective consciousness and multiple artists pick up on the theme completely independent of each other...sort of like when 2 or more (un related people) discover or invent the same thing simultaneously.
While work goes on on my contemporary jesus painting i happened to notice this wonderful contemporary "alt jesus" on Shameless (tv show). Great minds think alike, right down to the blond wigs and the"luz de jesus" on the chest of my guy and glowing cig of the alt jesus????!!!
March 3rd, 2019 →
cmsa; This post courtesy of Pete Goldie , who saw this photo before facebook blurred it, (was a tub full of dozens of intact brains), his comment demonstrated some beautiful "paradigm shifting" and gave me another marvelous real world example for my Creative Problemsolving workshop: He said "I bet the glass jars they were in were worth more."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 1st, 2019
cmsa; i'd say i get in about a third of the competitive exhibitions i apply for. I always wonder (being a good painter); why? Especiallly when i get a rejection email like this;
"Although your work entered in the Wausau Museum of Contemporary Art's International Biennial Portrait Competition 2019 was beautiful, we are sorry to inform you that it has not been accepted in this year's exhibition.
We wish you success and all the best in your future endeavors!"
So maybe this is the rejection letter all get, cuz if they meant "beautiful" why was it declined?...
February 25th, 2019
cmsa; todays post courtesy of painter comadre Pamela Rae Baker, one of the best painters i know, and yet she struggles daily, as do I!
dear friend, i hope you realize i'm the same way, paintng never comes easy, in fact every day i face the easel thinking this is the day i won't be able to do it...seems to come with the territory; creative courage is continuing "despite your doubts, not quitting because of them!" - rollo may, love , c
This is the first painting i saw of hers; jumped out of my feed and grabbed my attention years ago...BRAVO PAMELA, PAINT ON
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February 22nd, 2019
#cmsa: #wip #oil over#underpainting #cyndavalle #contemporaryart#bathtub
February 21st, 2019 →
cmsa; beautiful work by Mary Allan
February 20th, 2019 →
cmsa; todays blog courtesy Soma Snakeoil; i love it when people talk about "real" stuff, like this, and she paints too!
"I’m not saying give up desire, but what about that tenuous place of wanting and not having-and being okay with whatever happens? Yes, focus on a positive outcome. Yes, work towards goals. Yes, wake up each morning with an intent to crush the day. And. Nothing lasts. Neither success, failure, commitment or a sense of being satiated. Not only is success fleeting, failure is a form of success. We gain from both. Not having is as interesting and Illuminative as having, if we choose that perspective. Tension is as delicious as release. Savor not knowing. Taste uncertainty. What happens if you don’t get everything you desire? Deny yourself something special today. You deserve it. Photo: @surgeonstudios MUA: @terinagatita #edging#tension #release #uncertainty
February 18th, 2019
#cmsa another #beautifulday at #losangelesbreweryartwalk the brewery #cyndavalle
February 10th, 2019
#cmsa today #studio ‘#sunday #painting @ju555t Contempary Artist #art#underpainting with the master!!
February 8th, 2019 →
cmsa; todays post is courtesy of artist Gary Weisman; He is definitely "daring greatly" and this is beyond beautiful
February 7th, 2019
cmsa: can't remember where i heard, saw or read this, so i don't know the source, but it rang true for me; " FAILS DARING GREATLY" , anyone know who said that?
February 6th, 2019 →
cmsa; my pal Chuck Connelly, when he really cuts loose!!!!!!!!!!beautiful
February 2nd, 2019 →
cmsa in action today, great to paint when it;s raining